Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lemon green tea is a type of drink that combines the comfort of sipping green tea with the refreshing, citrus aroma and flavor of lemon. Not only does this combination have a lot of health benefits, the drink also looks aesthetically appealing due to the bright color of the lemon in contrast with the subtle color of green tea. Green tea and lemon are known to be medicinal, and combining the two further compounds their benefits.
  1. Antioxidants

    • Green tea has antioxidant properties, which absorbs free radicals in your body. The type of antioxidant found in green tea is polyphenol. Green tea can also aid in digestion, and it has astringent properties that help cleanse the body. Lemon is also rich in antioxidants, including flavonoids, which have been shown to aid in the prevention of cancer.

    Vitamin C

    • Lemon juice is rich in ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid has cleansing properties, which is beneficial to the body. Vitamin C also has been shown to slow down symptoms of arthritis. In addition, this vitamin also strengthens the immune system, protecting you from common illnesses such as colds and flu. Lemon juice can also act as a stimulant that can help increase your energy level.


    • Adding lemon to green tea may boost its antioxidant properties, since lemon and green tea antioxidants complement each other. Lemon may also increase the health benefits found in green tea. A recent study at Purdue University stated that adding ascorbic acid can help the body absorb healthy compounds such as catechins, which are found in tea.
Try our Lemon Green Tea or our Pan Fired Green Tea, chill it, add ice and lemon.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dear 16-year-old Me

Dear 16 year old me.....

I realize this is an unusual post for a tea company, but there is more to me than Drink T.  My sister had posted this video, I watched it and I cried.  I cried because it is something so simple yet easily forgotten.  I cried for all of the beautiful 16 year old kids that were just living their lives and now have no life to live.  I cried for all those who were left behind wishing there was something they could have done.  I cried because when I was sixteen I fell asleep in the Florida sun and woke with a horrific sun burn  that sent me to an emergency center.  I received shots to bring down the swelling on my face and spent the rest of the vacation in the room with my face packed in ice.  I cried because I am lucky. 

We can do nothing about the should have's or could have's, but you can do something in the present moment and watch this video. Share it with sweet loved ones and do something about your future.

Best Wishes to All,
Sheryl Myhre
Founder and owner of Drink T